You Can Now Bring Outside Food At Multiplexes, Thanks To Maharashtra Govt.

This law will be abided from August 1, 2018.

After a lengthy debate on the blazing issue of the increasing prices of eatables, beverages, and water at multiplexes, Maharashtra government has passed an order to cut down prices of the same. Not only that but the moviegoers will also be allowed to bring their own food and have a nice time at the cinema hall in Maharashtra.

The Maharashtra Food and Civil Supplies Minister Ravindra Chavan also warned action if authorities at multiplexes don't allow people to do so.

Chavan also added...

That one product cannot have two different prices. The multiplexes will be asked to cut down their rates of food items sold in its premises. As quoted by Hindustan Times, Chavan concerns, “How can multiplexes and malls charge different rates for food and water?

He further announced...

There is no prohibition on taking outside food into multiplexes. The state home department is coming up with a policy to deal with this issue.

Even the Bombay High Court observed while hearing public interest litigation that the multiplex food should be sold at MRP.

You Can Now Bring Outside Food At Multiplexes, Thanks To Maharashtra Govt.

"The matter is still sub judice. We are waiting for the high court to give its order, which we are ready to implement,” says Prakash Chaphalkar.

This means that all the multiplexes will be abiding by the law that has been passed by the state government from August 1.

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