7 Amazing Health Benefits Of The Ancient Ayurvedic Herb Guggulu

Probably the most medicinally potent tree-based resin known to us till date, the pale brown gum resin of the mukul myrrh tree has been a longstanding herb used in Ayurveda. The substance is found in small, thorny tree that is mostly found in India.

The astounding medicinal properties of this ancient medicinal plant can fix a vast array of modern-day issues. Guggulu is available to us in several forms and products today. For instance, you can find them in formulations, such as Triphala guggul, kanchanar Guggulu, punarnavadi Guggulu or even just prepare it by itself.

Here’s a list of the incredible benefits this ancient medicinal resin herb has to offer:

#1. Can help heal wounds and sores

Guggulu can also help treat sores in your mouth or gum infections, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, mixing Guggulu medicine with water and applying it to your wounds can also help hasten the process of healing wounds externally on your body.

#2. Protects the health of your heart and keeps your cholesterol in check

Guggulu is renowned for its cholesterol-lowering properties in Ayurveda. In fact, studies have shown that it is a popular remedy for people with cholesterol. The extract of the gum inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol in the body and helps remove it from your body.

#3. Fights inflammatory diseases and helps ease pain from joint diseases

Guggulsterone, a key component in it has potent anti-inflammatory effects. So much so, that it is comparable to non-sterodial anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen.That’s the reason why people suffering from arthritis or osteoarthritis can benefit from having a Guggulu based herbal remedy.

#4. Helps protect your liver

Guggulu is highly effective when it comes to treating liver disorders. The compounds in it help break down the fat in the liver more effectively and also reduces the level of free fatty acids. It also helps remove bile from your system, helping to cleanse it.

#5. Is useful in preventing wrinkles and acne

The extracts from Guggulu can help boost the production of collagen. Collagen is the compound that helps strengthen your skin and also reduce the damage caused to your skin, making it smooth and supple. It also very effective in reducing acne if you have oily skin, especially if you have oily skin.

#6. Fights bacterial infection because of its ability to boost your immunes system

The properties of Guggulu can boost the count of your white blood cells, which are your bodies primary defence against infections. In fact, they help fight some of the most common bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus that causes staph infections and Escherichia coli that causes diarrhoea, nausea and gastrointestinal issues.

#7. Helps fights obesity by boosting your metabolism

The compounds in Guggulu help boost your metabolism, making it one of the best traditional medicines available out there to tackle obesity and issues related to it. Not only does it boost your metabolism but also improves digestion and the functioning of the thyroid. It also helps lower your blood cholesterol levels.
via- indiatimes
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