Video Of Girl Getting Harassed On The Streets Of France Causes Massive Public Uproar

We’re living in the year 2018 and yet humans haven’t evolved enough to treat each other properly. We might’ve made giant leaps in terms of technology, education, science and what not. However, when it comes to simple things like respecting women and their space, we absolutely falter.

On the surface, the culture of misogyny is waning. But, if you go online and scour the comment sections, you’ll see how women are disrespected. Despite the rise of the #MeToo movement, you can still feel the sexism in the atmosphere of workplaces. And going by a recent video from France, the toxic masculinity that was gone has descended on the streets once again.

According to The Guardian, 22-YO architecture student Marie Laguerre was assaulted by an yet identified man and the whole incident was caught on a cafe’s CCTV camera.

“I was so annoyed I didn’t want to hide, to look down. That he dared to be angry when it was me who had reason to be angry. I turned to him and everything went extremely fast, but then I knew he was going to hit me. I was even ready to fight. When the blow came, I took it without showing any emotion. He continued to scream.”

Laguerre said that she was walking home around 6.45pm past a cafe. That’s when she encountered a man who “made dirty noises, comments and whistled” at her. So, she confronted him and told him to shut up. However, the man got abusive, first threw an ashtray at her and then went onto slap Marie.

You can watch the video here:

The video caused a lot of online unrest regarding the sexual harassment on France’s streets, while others accused the bystanders for doing nothing. However, Marie said in their defence that,

“To all those who want to say the witnesses didn’t reacted well enough, everything happened very quickly and they didn’t have the time to understand the situation. The attacker was dangerous. After the aggression, I went back and the witnesses gave me great support. Please don’t lynch them.”

She’s right. The people in the cafe were pretty quick to respond. One guy was even ready to hit the abuser with a chair. In addition to that, they held him for sometime before he walked off.

The Paris prosecutor’s office is already looking into this incident and will probably find the man very soon. However, the bigger impact of this is that it has bolstered French equalities minister, Marlène Schiappa’s legislation to fine for sexual harassment. So, we hope that both of those actions happen simultaneously so that Marie gets her justice and women can walk safely on the streets of France again.

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