Remember Auro, the role played by the living legend of the Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan in the film Paa. In the film, he was a sufferer of Progeria, an extremely rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder in which symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age. The average age of death is 13 years. Today we will tell you about some of the little children who born with it and died in their teenage. Read out the text!
Nihal Bitla
He was born in 2001 in Mumbai, India with this disorder and was the face of India’s awareness campaign against progeria. He died at 15, but his thoughts on human existence – “our time here is special and life is incredibly beautiful in every single way” continue to reverberate on social media.
Ana Rochelle
Rochelle Pondare, the 19 years old from the Philippines passed away in 2016. She aspired to become a model and grabbed headlines for her rarest genetic condition. Because of her unusual condition, Rochelle received a lot of attention. She won people’s hearts worldwide.
Ontlametse Phalatse
Died at age 14, South Africa mourned the death of Ontlametse Phalatse in 2017. She was known as the “the special child of South Africa” and also the “First Lady” by her friends and family.
Hayley Okines
She was 17 when she died (3 December 1997 – 2 April 2015). She was an English author and activist born in Britain. She appeared in famous shows like Tous Différents, Extraordinary People, Hope for Hayley etc at age 13.
Sam Berns
Born in the USA, he died at the age 17. He was the subject of the HBO documentary Life According to Sam, which was first screened in January 2013. He died one year later, after appearing in a TEDx Talks video titled “My philosophy for a happy life.”
Ashley Hegi
Died at age 17, she was born in Canada. Hegi made it her mission to teach the world about her condition by appearing in documentaries and media reports. At 14, Hegi released her YouTube video, in which she advised people about Progeria,
“When somebody stares at you, don’t let it bother you because maybe they don’t know about progeria. You can tell those people about progeria. Maybe they’ll understand. And if they don’t, it’s OK. You’re one of a kind.”
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