Superstar Dharmendra Shows His Love Towards Farming in His Instagram Posts

We all have seen Bollywood's senior actors still going strong with their love for acting. They love being on the big screen and making people smile with their movies. But there are a few who share their love for other things apart from just acting.
We're talking about yesteryears' Bollywood superstar Dharmendra who made his debut on Instagram last year. Recently, we discovered his love for farming and animals. 
He is proud to be a farmer's son and grows a variety of fresh produce on his farm.

Dharam ji's unconditional love for farming and animal.

This deed of that Dharam ji talks so much about his simplicity and innocence. Hear him speak in this video, and you'll realise just how much he adores these cows and buffaloes.

The look on his face talks a thousand words.

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So happy like a farmer, so little like an actor here. The smile on his face justifies his love for farms. 

Happy to be a farmer.

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He also grows fresh produces on his farm, and his face shows the contentment that he gets from the same.

Proud to see his freshly grown mangoes.

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Freshly plucked mangoes from his farm. Dharam ji talks about how he had sown each of them with so much love, and now his family will eat them with the same amount of love.

His adoration for his birdies.

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Not to forget, his love for animals and birds is more real than we can even watch in this video. Look how happy these little birds make him feel!

Animals before self.

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Like mentioned, he feeds his animals and birds even before he eats his breakfast. So much love, Dharam ji is quite a person to look up to. 

The happiness that this video brings.

Happy little calf fed by a happy actor. Oh how much these simple pleasures of life are being lived to the fullest by this man. 
We're looking forward to more of his posts. 

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