10 Signs That Show Your Guy Is the ONE for You

Guys, read it and find out what your girl is looking for...  

 Does he listen and understand what you say?

If he listens to you patiently when you're talking, it means he is really into you. And if he remembers what you said weeks back, just keep him. 

Does he give you space?

When you are in a relationship, it's more about 'us' than me. But, at the same time, personal space is equally important. If he doesn't like it when you hang out with your friends or let you have some 'ME' time, better say BYE!

Is he honest to you? 

The main foundation of any relationship is trust. So, don't walk down the aisle until you're sure if you can trust him for his commitments and feel that he also trusts you back.     

Is he humorous enough to make you laugh like an insane? 

We all need that! If he can make you smile when you don't even want to smile, just don't let him go!

Is he your helping hand? 

C'mon, we all know what's sexier than a guy in six packs: a guy who can cook and do the dishes. So, if he does all that and more, marry him right now!

Is he a goal oriented person? 

If he works hard for his goals; if shows he is a responsible person who can take care of himself as well as family, then you are with the right guy, girl. 

Does he make sure to love you for what you are and don't compare? 

We all are different with distinct strengths and weaknesses. If he loves you for all your strengths and accepts all your weaknesses without comparing you to anyone, BINGO, he is the perfect match you have got. 

Does he love himself for what he is? 

You can't love someone else until you love yourself. If someone is not happy with himself, s/he would start finding faults in another person. Stay away from such toxic person!

Does he respect you? 

Not just compliment the looks but also appreciate your thoughts and ideas. He may disagree with you at times but never disregard your opinions.

Does he make efforts to hold on to you?  

Every relationship goes through good and bad times. If he holds on to you in such tough times and makes every effort to keep your relation thriving, trust me, he is THE ONE! 

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