Deepika and Ranveer burned the internet with fire when they announced their wedding date on social media. They shocked their fans as well as the industry people. It is because as per a celebrity standard, announcing a wedding date more than 20 days before is in itself the biggest surprise! Celebrities keep their family functions very private and the fans get to know about them on almost at the event day only.
In such case, announcing their wedding almost before a month by DeepVeer is coming out of a shock! Why they did so and why they chose October 21 to announce their wedding date? Let us tell you! The 6th season of the most popular celebrity talk show, Koffee With Karan premiered yesterday and the first guests on the show were Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt. In the teaser of the episode, that was released a couple of days ago, Deepika can be seen giving hints about her marriage with Ranveer Singh.
It seemed they might have realized that revealing a wedding date on a talk show is not the best medium, so Deepika and Ranveer may have decided to make the announcement on their own. It clearly looks like a well-planned move on the couple’s part.
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) October 21, 2018Deepika also shared the same on Instagram and Twitter:
via - pagalparrot
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