Legendary bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan left the internet emotional as he featured in a new ad for Kalyan Jewellers with his daughter Shweta Nanda. Senior Bachchan plays the role of an old man and Shweta plays his daughter. Even though the ad is for a jewellery brand, its story will take you by surprise.
Big B took to Twitter to share the ad and wrote, “T 2870 – Emotional moment for me .. tears welling up every time I see it .. daughters are the BEST !!”
Big B took to Twitter to share the ad and wrote, “T 2870 – Emotional moment for me .. tears welling up every time I see it .. daughters are the BEST !!”
Fantastic right? Hope this ad video made your day.T 2870 - Emotional moment for me .. tears welling up every time I see it .. daughters are the BEST !! pic.twitter.com/7Jes2GDPBo— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) July 17, 2018
via- pagalparrot
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