Mom Creates Celebrity Outfits From Scratch, Dresses Up Daughter In Impressive Photo Series

Fashion can be a lot of different things for different people. It is a form of self-expression for folks who like to experiment with their looks. For those who hate wearing high heels, it’s pain. But for this mom, fashion is a beautiful bonding exercise with her little girl.
Alya Chaglar is a painter from Turkey. Sometimes though, her bright and beautiful daughter Stefani is the canvas. She uses stuff on hand to emulate outfits worn by stars like Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez and even Meghan Markle. Then she clicks pictures of Stefani posing happily in them. Her “dress like a celebrity” photo series has catapulted the five-year-old showstopper to fame. They have a whopping 2,02,000 followers on Instagram.
In an interview with Bored Panda, Alya says,
“It takes around 10-30 minutes to recreate a celebrity’s look, we use nothing more than plastic, paper, tin foil and other materials you can find around the house, and a stapler to stick the pieces together.” 

What a creative genius! Check out 9 of her fabulous recreations. Maybe they’ll inspire you to try it too.

  1. Who wore it better?

2. Budding model?

4. The Princess Diaries

5. Giving Cardi B a run for her money

6. She is a born poser!

7. This is how you use bubble wrap

8. Favourite recreation

9. Another one made out of newspaper

Which one of these recreations is your favourite?

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