Chinese Woman’s Incredible Transformation Leaves Everyone Confused

Makeup is a wonderful thing and it can do a lot more than you would expect. The magic of the art helps you cast a transformation spell on your appearance and make you look like a completely different person. While it is believed to elevate the mind, body, and spirit, we have a plethora of examples to showcase the power of makeup.
However, a mind-boggling transformation video of a woman, using makeup, has left people scratching their heads.

A video from China, initially posted on Chinese website Youku, shows a woman mixing makeup with a couple of tricks to completely alter the way she looks.

The woman has been identified as Qi Huahua and the video has already viewed by over 9 million people.

In the video, the woman can be seen using a prosthetic nose and taping up her cheeks to “create” new features. Colored contact lenses, foundation, lipstick and eye makeup were also used before she washes it off to make people believe that it’s the same person.

While the incredible changeover has got people praising the artist, many have refused to believe that it was the same girl throughout. According to some, a switch has been made in the middle of the video to trick the viewers.

You can see the astonishing video here:

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