Eat Good Feel Good - These Foods Will Help You Fight Depression

Eating does no harm, try it! 

Depression is something that a lot of us must have felt at some point in time. Some might have taken longer to get rid of it, while others must have gotten over it quickly. Have you wondered how you automatically felt better in an instant during those days? It might be the food you consumed that made you feel better.
Yes! Some foods are recommended during the times when you feel dull or depressed. If you're someone who dislikes relying on medicines, you definitely have an option to opt for a list of foods that you could eat. And trust us, they're really yummy ones!
Let's get started with the list?  

Go nuts with eating nuts!

All types of nuts help you fight depression, be it almonds or walnuts. Since they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, regular consumption of nuts only help you feel better each day. 

Go dark with chocolates!

Now, who doesn't like eating a bit of chocolate every day!? If you say "not me" to this, you probably are missing a lot in life. Dark chocolates have an instant feel-good factor to them and so, they're highly recommended on days when you feel low. Keep a bar of dark chocolate in your bag at all times and take a bite of it every time you are feeling not that great. 

Spice it up with the spices!

Herbs and spices, mainly turmeric play a significant role in fighting depression. Most of the Indian and Asian foods have turmeric added in them as they have health benefits more than one. 

Eat your greens!

Well, not everybody is a fan of leafy vegetables. But they actually help you do away with depression symptoms. They are the most nutrient-dense item and have the most potent immune-boosting effects.  

Keep calm and go bananas! 

If you feel even the slightest of anger, irritation, depression, it means you're low on vitamin B. This calls for consuming bananas. They are an instant mood-booster and give you a lot of energy as well.

Lots of room for mushrooms!

Mushrooms help in lowering your blood sugar levels which in turn evens out your mood and helps you feel better when you're dull. You can make so many dishes with mushrooms, so get creative and eat the right foods and help yourself fight depression. 
Food is the right solution for everything, isn't it?
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