Life Lessons By Captain Raghu Raman

"Each time you face a problem as students, you didn't get the percentage you wanted, didn't get the college you want to go to, didn't get choice of the subject you want to study, remember that life chooses the subject you are good at. You don't choose occupations; many times occupation choose you," described Captain Raghu Raman as he shared instances from the time he spent in the Indian Armed Forces. 
It is the Army that has shaped Captain Raghu Raman life. He learned lessons that helped him grow, that helped him at every point in his career. From his first day in the camp to the time when he was selected by the CEO for the cross country race (even when he was not good at it) to the day when he won against his own ustaad, Captain learnt some life lessons that he wants to share with everyone.  
From learners to teachers, Captain has a lesson for each race. On the one hand, where he shared that leaders are supposed to build leaders better than them, his next point was for the students. He shared that in every occasion, at every moment in our life whenever we achieve something, we must remember that we have achieved that because of our leaders who allowed us to stand on their shoulder and achieve the heights. And that is a responsibility that each one of us owes to our subordinates, to our peers and our juniors. 
So come, let's hear this Josh Talks and learn how some instances transformed into life lessons for Captain Raghu Raman. 
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