7 Good Things That Iftar Blesses us with

Some annual events hold so much of the value and importance that we can't wait but keep a countdown to track their incoming. The holy month of Ramadan is one such observance that always brings with it more blessings than asked for. 
During Ramadan, the one keeping a fast must not eat or even drink water from the crack of dawn until the stroke of sunset. Later in the day, when the devotee breaks the fast and proceeds to have a meal post prayers, it is termed as Iftar

The individuals keeping the fast are advised not to smoke or consume liquor and not to involve themselves in any sinful activity such as spreading hateful speech, cursing, or lying. More than this, if you closely look at the dealings of Iftar, you'll agree with the following good things that take birth solely because of Iftar. 

#1 Giving Iftar is very rewarding. 

It is considered a very generous activity to provide even a date or an orange to a fasting person so as to help her/him break the fast. This act of kindness and respect for a religion is blissful in every sense.
It is declared in Hadith-i Sharif, 'Crossing the Sirat Bridge will be easier for a person who provides a guest with food to break his fast.' [Wasilat-un Najat] 
Moreover, that smile that the fasting person will have on her/his face is worth doing this.  

#2 Bore as many fruits as the person keeping the fast. 

It's so pleasing to discover that just by providing the fasting person with Iftar, one can garner similar rewards as the person himself is getting by keeping the intense fast.
Also, it's not mandatory to help with the large meal, simply water or a little milk too are welcomed.
Founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad declared, "If a person gives Iftar to a fasting person in this month, his sins will be forgiven. And he will be given as many rewards as has that fasting person." 

#3 Gets you free from all your sins.

Prophet also stated, "He who gives water as iftar to a fasting person in Ramadan becomes as sinless as the day his mother bore him." 
Now as is the Hindu belief about the holy river of Ganga's spiritual effect on a sinner, it is also believed that providing a fasting person with water can free her/him from all the sins that s/he did since birth.
The very thought of such a magic happening with such small initiative is so appealing.  

#4 Keeps your ego in check. 

You might find someone complaining, "He didn't call me to invite. Why should I be calling him?"
While such misunderstandings keep happening in the daily life, there's just no place for such ego-driven views in this holy month. 
It's more about seeking Allah's (God in Islam) blessing, and thus nothing must stop one from inviting/accepting an Iftar proposal. 

#5 It's a sign of harmony between communities.

Just imagine how many occasions allow you to invite inter-cultural mass of people to have food they generally can't say no to (unless of course, they have a very valid reason). Not many, right?! 
Iftar definitely becomes an important word when it comes to the thoughts of driving harmony in the society.

#6 This occasion is not generally about feeding the poor. 

A meal I offer to my friends is more valuable than five loaves of bread I give to the poor. A meal that is eaten with friends is better than freeing a slave."
It is agreed in this case, contrary to other notions, that it's in fact, good to refuse a poor's invitation and accept a rich's. The meal from a generous person who is actually convenient in providing, is considered to be better.

#7 It keeps no barrier of religion.

Very recently, WittyFeed HQ in Indore, India, held an Iftar party where the whole organisation of 100+ employees from diverse backgrounds (including their families) were invited, and everyone welcomed and loved the gesture.
It was seen that even people who weren't particularly Muslims, kept the fast and the other, who was not fasting too joined the treat. Through this, they tried to send a message in the society that we are one and that every pristine religious activity must be welcomed and enjoyed. 

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