The Way You Hug Your Partner Says A Lot About Your Relationship

#4 is really important!

None other than American novelist, Ann Hood, could've better explained the importance of a hug. She goes on to say, "I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words." Ann, we couldn't agree more. A hug can tell you a lot in so many ways, and when in a relationship, it will apprise you of all the unsaid things.
There are different kinds of hugs that suggest different traits of a relationship. The closeness between two people can be unveiled by how they hug their partner. Today, we bring you the basic understanding of different types of hugs.
Read on and feel warm.

#1 Hugging like it's the end of the world.

This type of hug implies a serious relationship which you don't want to wither away. But if this type of hug persists even after a long time in your relationship, then that's something you should talk about with your partner. In long-term relationships, this hug is justified if you haven't seen each other in a long time. But if such an embrace is frequent, it means your partner has a fear of losing you, or you are not giving enough security that your partner needs.

#2 Hugging with her legs wrapped around your waist.

This hug suggests there is a huge physical attraction between you two and that both the partners are really passionate about each other. If you and your partner often hug like this, we believe you have an awesome intimate life.

#3 Hugging without much contact.

This is a warning sign- either your partner is dejected about something regarding you or is uncomfortable with you. Unless you guys had some dispute, you should take note of this hug, as it means you or your partner don't want to come close.

#4 Hugging while maintaining eye contact.

This is the most intimate way of hugging. This hug is all about the connection. Connecting your body and soul, as it is said, "Eyes are the windows to the soul." So if you hug like this often, your relationship is rock solid.

#5 One hugs with all the might while the other one stands still.

This is the hug that may be described as a 'one-way' street. If you are the one hugging, be alert - your partner may not be into you as much as you are. No matter what you do, a single wheel cannot pull the cart. It is the same way your relationship will be doomed if your partner is not entirely into it.

#6 The Side Hug

It's also known as a 'buddy hug.' Such a hug usually arises when two people have done something together. This type of hug means that you are not only romantically involved with your partner but that you guys are also best friends. If you find yourself hugging your partner like this more often, then you have a very strong friendly relationship.

#7 The Back Hug 

This shows there is trust and security in the relationship. The one at the front shows faith in the partner by turning back to him. On the other hand, the one at the back shows the protective quality. Together, they want to protect their partner by watching their backs. If that's not love, what is it?  

#8 The Pampered Hug

This one happens when one of them is more caring towards another and taps their back gently as a gesture of love. It usually comes from a person elder to you who is concerned about you or you hug someone you care for, in the same manner.

#9 The Pervert Hug

Talking about being a pervert, inappropriately hugging your girl in public is one kind of public display that shows the trait. You might throw her in the bed at night, but embracing her in the said manner makes you appear like a pervert; reflecting your immodest intentions.

#10 Hugging without giving a hoot about the world.

If you hug your partner irrespective of where you are or without caring what the people around you think, and you forget about the world when you are hugging, then cheers! You're 'truly, madly, deeply in love' with your partner.
Because at that very moment, all you care about is your union with each other, and nothing else.
Hope this story helps you discover unexpressed things about your relationship.
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