10 Fascinating Facts about Draupadi You Probably Did not Know

The purest lady on the earth!

Mahabharata is one of the greatest epics of Hindu mythology about which every kid has heard bedtime stories (well almost). We claim to know a lot about it. However, many things in this scripture are still a mystery to many. Actually, the epic is full of interesting facts that are not possible to be stated otherwise or shown in detail on our television screens.  
Draupadi from Mahabharata was an epic character that needs no introduction. A mysterious yet fierce wife. Someone who never believed in weeping and mewling about tough times rather faced them with utmost conviction. She was a darling Princess of one of the most prominent kingdoms. But was believed not to have been conceived like a normal human child, she was born from fire.  
Numerous other facts like this will amaze you, and we have listed them down for you. 
Take a look! 

Draupadi always raised her voice. 

Rare in the culture of ancient times, Draupadi never believed in remaining silent and asked for justice when she was abused. She even condemned great warriors such as Bhishma, Drona, Kripacharya and her husbands for not saving her from the humiliation during the Cheer-Haran.

She didn't have a childhood. 

Often called as Yajnaseni, Draupadi was not a normal child. She was not born from her mother's womb. Instead, she was born from the fire as an adult, with no appreciation of childhood or parenting. 

She is known to be an incarnation of Kali. 

There is a common belief in South India that Draupadi was an incarnation of Maha Kali, who was born to assist Lord Krishna to destroy the arrogant Kauravas.   

She cursed dogs.

According to the agreement that Pandavas had with Draupadi, only one brother was allowed to enter her chamber at a time and was supposed to keep his padukas (footwear) outside as a mark of indication but one day, a dog took away Yudhishthira's padukas, furious Draupadi cursed dogs by saying: "All the world will see you copulate in public, stripped of all shame." 

Draupadi was a symbol of a good homemaker. 

Across India, the term 'Draupadi's Vessel' means a kitchen that has overflowing stock of everything. Such as kitchen is a mark of a good homemaker and Draupadi was surely one. 

She was blessed to be a virgin. 

Before Draupadi moved from one husband to another, she walked through fire to regain her virginity and purity. 

Hidimba's revenge.

Once, Draupadi cursed Hidimba's (Bhim's wife) son Ghatotkacha and Hidimba for some reason, and Hidimba couldn't control herself and in return cursed Draupadi. This fight ended the Pandava lineage. 

Draupadi had her unique clause. 

When Draupadi agreed to be a common wife of Pandavas, she kept one condition in front of everyone. She said that she wouldn't share her household with any other woman. 

Lord Krishna was her only friend.

Draupadi always considered Lord Krishna as her sakha (friend). Lord Krishna was the only true friend who came to her rescue when she found herself in dire circumstances.

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