11 Interesting Facts About Oymyakon, The Coldest Inhabited Village On Earth

Welcome to Oymyakon, a remote Siberian village located in Oymyakonsky District in the Republic of Sakha in northeast Russia. The village once made it to the headlines as the thermometer, which was installed as a tourist attraction, broke. It happened after the temperature plunged to all time low. The public device just broke as the temperatures went down to to -62°C. It is said that some locals had readings as low as -67°C – that was logged in the village in February 1933. In this post, we take a look at some of the interesting facts about the coldest village on earth.

1. Oymyakon is known as the Northern ‘Pole of Cold’



2. It is named after the Oymyakon River, whose name reportedly comes from the word kheium, meaning ‘unfrozen patch of water


3. The village stands approximately 750 meters above sea level


4. The settlement originally developed as a stopover for reindeer herders who came to water their animals at the spring


5. Winters in Oymyakon are long and excessively cold


6. Sometimes summer months can also be quite cold, but June and July are the only months where the temperature has never dropped below −10 °C (14 °F)

7. Oymyakon and Verkhoyansk are the only two permanently inhabited places in the world that have recorded temperatures below −60.0 °C (−76 °F) for every day in January

8. The village has a population of about 500 people. Despite the harsh conditions, life is pretty normal there


9. The villagers survive the winters, which drop to an average of -50°C in January and February, largely by burning wood and coal for warmth


10. Street vendors have no need to refrigerate their fish as the air temperature is enough to keep them safe from rotting away


11. Oymyakon is served by just the one shop and its solitary school only shuts if temperatures dip below -52°C



This place is also visited by many celebrities as it serves as an unusual tourist attraction. Would you like to visit Oymyakon? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


via- topyaps 

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