Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are one happy couple in the universe. The two tied the knot in Jodhpur in a lavish wedding ceremony and later gave two receptions, in Delhi and Mumbai respectively. Ever since the two got married, our social media feeds are almost filled with their pictures. Nick has also been very receptive of the Indian traditions and has attended various events in India with her. And just after their wedding festivities were over, the two announced another reception in January for their Hollywood friends, which most likely be happening in New York. Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra celebrated Christmas this year in England.
And now fans are going gaga about their awesome family pictures which have been shared by Priyanka on her social media handles. Not only this, her sister-in-law and ‘Game of Thrones’ star Sophie Turner also shared the family pictures on her Instagram. Read below and checkout all details about Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’s first Christmas together.
On her Instagram, Priyanka Chopra shared a family picture in which Nick Jonas, Sophie Turner, Joe Jonas, Madhu Chopra and Nick’s family can be seen together enjoying their Christmas together. Priyanka Chopra celebrated Christmas and made us go gaga about her pictures.
This picture has now almost gone viral on the internet. It looks like Priyanka has jelled up with Nick’s family and is respectfully being a part of her first official Christmas as a married Christian woman.
Not only this, Nick’s brother Joe Jonas also posted a pictures on his Instagram with his brothers. Checkout the picture below.
Now this looks like a real Christmas celebration! We hope Priyanka is having a great time with Nick and his family.
via- topyaps
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