In shocking news, Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal has been slapped with a criminal case over non-payment of dues. As per the latest reports, YT Entertainment Limited has filed a lawsuit against the actor for not repaying Rs 1 crore with 12 percent interest per annum. The sources have revealed that the actor has taken the loan on May 9, from the company on a term of repaying it within 90 days. But Arjun didn’t repay the amount, reportedly. To which, the company filed a criminal complaint against him under the Negotiable Instruments Act after the post-dated cheque given by him was dishonored.
A source told the publication,
“The company is also into funding films and Rampal was given the loan on a rate lower than what most people in the industry are usually given. But the post-dated cheque given to the company was dishonored and now they have filed a criminal complaint against Rampal under the Negotiable Instruments Act for the recovery of the money.”
It added that,
“This means that they will have the right over any amount being paid to Rampal till their dues are recovered.” Moreover, YTE has also appropriated a sum of Rs 7.5 lakhs paid on account in November by Rampal as interest due on the loan.”
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