Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh will be getting married in a couple of days. Yes, the countdown for one of the most awaited weddings of the year has already begun. Reports have said that the couple was spotted at Mumbai airport the other day heading towards Italy, where they will be tying the knot on 14th and 15th November. It seems the soon-to-be bride and groom donned colour-coordinated outfits and looked super-excited for their special day. Well, now, all we have to do is wait for the news and pics of the wedding.
Meanwhile, it has been said earlier that after getting married in Italy, Deepika and Ranveer will be hosting two wedding receptions- one in Bengaluru, Deepika’s hometown, for their family and close friends, and another in Mumbai which will mark the presence of all the glitz and glamour from the B-Town.
But hey, do you know that there’s a special reason why Deepika Padukone chose to have her wedding reception at The Leela in Bengaluru?
Well, it seems the biggest reason why Deepika chose to have her wedding reception at the Leela in Bengaluru “was renowned Italian restaurant of New York, Le Cirque, which goes by the name Le Cirque Signature.”
But do you know why this particular restaurant in Bengaluru?
It seems that Deepika loves the restaurant in NYC and their franchise in Bengaluru drew her to The Leela. Meanwhile, if you also want to know the menu of the wedding reception, it is said that the food will be pre-dominantly South Indian. It seems they will check into the hotel on 20th and check out on 22nd.
Needless to mention, it is reportedly said that Deepika and Ranveer will be donning Sabyasachi outfits on their wedding day. Buzz also has it that the couple has zeroed in Versace cutlery and the chefs will be treating the guests with exclusive recipes for their taste buds.
Well, here’s wishing DeepVeer all the blessings.
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