Bollywood actor Sumeet Vyas and television actress Ekta Kaul are happily married now! They tied the knot in a traditional ceremony in Jammu on September 15 in the presence of their family members and friends. Well, before a wedding takes place, we talk or read about the upcoming event of the couple, but now, since the wedding is over, what do we discuss? What else other than the photos and videos of the wedding, isn’t it? Yes, we are here exactly to show the inside pics of Sumeet and Ekta’s wedding.
Well, the inside pictures and videos of Sumeet and Ekta’s wedding festivities have come up in plenty now as they have been shared online on several fan accounts and the Instagram pages of their friends. But before that, let’s take a look at some of the couple’s pre-wedding photos.
Earlier, the inside pictures of their pre-wedding ceremonies – Haldi, Mehendi, and Sangeetfunctions – were also shared online. Take a look if you haven’t seen them.
Haldi ceremony
All tied up!
Well, now check the inside pics of Sumeet and Ekta’s wedding ceremony.
“You are mine from now on, okay!”
Yes, it’s time to pose
You can also see some inside videos of Sumeet and Ekta’s wedding ceremony below:
The bride and the groom
Meanwhile, their quirky invitation card, which began with Sh*t just got real! Holy sh*t’ was earlier shared online by the card’s designer and made headlines on several web portals.
Needless to mention, Sumeet Vyas and Ekta Kaul’s wedding came nearly a month after their engagement, after quietly dating for months. Here’s wishing a big congratulation and happy married life to the newly-wed couple!
via- topyaps
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