Are you enjoying life?

Life is valuable. Youth has to pass through various circumstances in the field of education, relationship and job.

While facing them, sometimes we feel “why me only”? In most of the cases, it has been observed that people feel they are the most unfortunate creature on this planet.

As if they were unlucky and insignificant souls. Life is not a Sudoku or a puzzle to solve but rather, a game to enjoy.

Wayne Dyer’s insight about life said: “You aren't your work, your accomplishments, your possessions, your home, your family, your anything…

You're a creation of your Source, dressed in a physical human body intended to experience and enjoy life on Earth”.

Just by cursing the self, your surroundings, your friends, or family, you will create more negativity, illness and diseases.

Dadi Janki’s wisdom says: “If the atmosphere of the family is negative, connect with the innate quality of happiness inside you and share it with others.

This will bring benefit to your family who is experiencing negativity. It will increase your own happiness also and it will strengthen your spiritual practice, and give you the fruit of your good actions – happiness!”

Love yourself, learn from each step, enrich, and enjoy your life. Life is to cherish and celebrate.
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